Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Monday's plan was to participate with a community finishing the work on its well house.  It was a day of hard hot work painting the well house in preparation for the inauguration celebration the next day -- a big event for this community of about 300 people.

First, though we had to get there and that was the hard part.  For all but a few old folks, including me, that meant a two hour drive on barely passable roads with huge washouts, bumps, puddles and two rivers to cross.  Those in the back of the pickup (third class, for sure) had to stand for two hours. It was even more exhausting coming back after five hours of painting in the mid-day sun.
But all who went returned, refreshed themselves with showers, went down the road for cold drinks before supper and now are in various states of collapse before an early bedtime.

We had an audience of school kids in their uniforms, teachers and mothers watching our work.  



Some men and women pitched in a bit.  We worked together laughing and joking across language barriers.  The kids demanded attention and play, an accommodation most of us were happy to participate in.  Many pictures were taken.

A real highlight was eating our box lunch of peanut butter and banana sandwiches and cookies as guests of the family nearest the well.  Take a look.

Tomorrow we return to this same village for the celebration and ceremony where Haiti Outreach gives them the keys to the pump and the well house signifying that they now own their well and are responsible for managing it and the water distribution system their well committee has created.  It will be fun for sure!


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