Sunday, November 24, 2013


Part of the team from FHC spent four days with orphans and their teachers at the school run by the Little Sisters of the Incarnation at Pandiassou.  Team members, Deanne Lentz, Joan Bacon, Elizabeth Shaw,  Mary Ball and Anne Smith lugged suitcases full of craft supplies and a portable printer.   Their heads were packed with projects and ideas for partnering with children and teachers in a creative binge.

After a hesitant start on the first day, things picked up and excitement built.  By the last day all the children had a framed photograph of themselves -- for many, a first portrait of their very own.

There were bracelets and other adornments, drawings, collages and memories left behind.


1 comment:

  1. It seemed like such a simple project --- taking photos and decorating picture frames --- but the impact of having a personal item of their own was very powerful for both children and adults. Photos were also taken of the hotel staff, by their request, and to their delight! Thank you Joan Bacon for this idea and to Carol Gifford for lending us the printer! The principal of the school and the director of the orphanage strongly request that "we come back every year"! Deanne
